How Corrupt Mafia Reach to the Parliament of Pakistan?
How Mafia Reach to The Parliament of Pakistan? The article provides a comprehensive overview of the issue of organized crime’s infiltration into Pakistani politics and offers concrete solutions for addressing this problem. The language is clear and concise, and the call to action at the end is compelling  for transparency in Pakistan. Story Highlights The…

“Drug Act 1976 (Amendment 2023 ) Bill – Attempts to Undermine DRAP’s Authority”
“Private Member’s  Drug Act 1976 (Amendment Bill, 2023 ) Attempts to Undermine DRAP’s Authority” “Article By : MOHAMMAD IMRAN KHAN, CEO – Pakistan Press Club” Story Highlights! “Private Member’s Drugs (Amendment) Bill, 2023 Attempts to Undermine DRAP’s Authority” “A Closer Look at Qadir Khan Mandokhail’s Drugs (Amendment) Bill 2023” “Uncovering the Corruption Behind the  Proposal…

Is war on the horizon : A case study of Indo-Pak conflict
Is war on the horizon:A case study of Indo-Pak conflict           Followed by the deadly Pulwama attack that killed 40 paramilitary personnel in the Indian-occupied Kashmir,there has been a looming threat of war in between the two neighbors. The media channels of both the countries are rife with hawkish rhetoric.The world…

Govt of Pakistan deregulates diesel
Govt deregulates diesel after petrol, HOBC Pakistan Press Club ISLAMABAD: The Petroleum Division of the Ministry of Energy on Saturday deregulated diesel after petrol and HOBC. The approval of deregulation of these petroleum products was given in the first week of October during the meeting of the Economic Coordination Committee of Cabinet (ECC) which was…

Infiltration from Afghanistan biggest issue: PM Pakistan
Infiltration from Afghanistan biggest issue: Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi Pakistan Press Club – ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi on Thursday categorically rejected the United States’ claims of the presence of terrorist safe havens in Pakistan, and said that infiltration from Afghanistan is the biggest issue for Pakistan, Geo News reported. He said, “terrorist…

PPP – 50 years of struggle
50 years of PPP: A unique struggle Pakistan Press Club – Karachi Every mainstream political party in Pakistan has seen ups and downs, rise and fall, but what makes the different from others is the amount and the kind of sacrifices its leadership and workers have given alike in the last 50 years, as it…

USA brought UK’s officials to keep Pakistan Army on side
US brought UK senior officials to keep Pak military on side Pakistan Press Club – LONDON: British security think-tank, the Royal Unites Services Institute (RUSI), has said that relationship between British and Pakistani armies is transforming from one based mostly on pomp ceremony and personal friendships to one based on shared strategic interests. In an…